How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint
How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint

  1. #How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint how to#
  2. #How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint Pc#

#How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint Pc#

Spread your snowflakes out across the whole slideĪfter this, select all if the snowflakes (CTRL + A on a PC or just drag a box around the snowflakes) and group them together (CTRL + G on a PC or right click and hit Group). Play around with it until you find what looks best.Ģ. Make sure the snowflakes are spread the way you like – depending on your picture, lighter or heavier falling snow may make more sense. You can also adjust the sizes of the flakes so they’re not all the same size – I always like to do this, as I think it adds a touch of realism.

how to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint

The higher the transparency value, the lighter the background color appears. (Optional) To change the transparency of the color, drag the Transparency slider left (0) or right (100). However the feature that many people need change image transparency, is still missing. PowerPoint fills your slide background with your chosen color. Now that you have the first snowflake made, duplicate or copy/paste it several times (CTRL + D or CTRL + C then CTRL + V on a PC) to make a small area of snow. Controlling the image transparency in Prezi would be quite a handy feature, but the truth is that it currently cannot be done in Prezi You can customize your image for example by setting the focus and blur, adding brightness or changing saturation. Sometimes you need to add pictures on your slide to make accents or for funny. It is more informative and relaxing to show funny pictures in the PowerPoint presentation, not just some text. Spread out your snowflakes to a small area Now very popular to create PowerPoint slides with pictures.

#How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint how to#

The one I showed earlier is included in the working files, but you can also look for other snowflake patterns in the Microsoft Clipart gallery (see the blog post about vector images for how to do this). Pattern: This elaborate snowflake will need to be taken from a vector image that you ungroup. Insert a transparent picture(you can use some third-party software), then click Picture>Arrange>Send to Back to set the picture as a background.This is included in the working files for this tutorial, but you can also see how to make the star in more detail in my YouTube tutorial entitled Shooting Star Effect in PowerPoint.

how to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint

Star: For this, you will need to layer a 4-point star on top of a 12-point star – both with a gradient. Modern interactive technologies can not do without various images.Select Set Transparent Color, then once the pointer changes, click on the color. It’s the same snowflake type – just smaller. Double-click on the image, then from Picture Tools select Picture Tools Format, then Color.

how to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint

  • Small: Simply reduce the size of the large one and make more of them.

  • How to make a background picture lighter in powerpoint